It is year’s end already. Time to respect and reflect on the past year’s experiences. We apologize for not writing in recent months… this year’s changes were, once again, abrupt and hard to process. There were no words to write at times when consumed by the moment.
We’d like to take a minute to write the names of those who are not with us as of recent years/ months and are so grateful to have had in our lives: GaryLee Bomar,Justin Vicory, Vinnie Garcia, Larry Johnson (L.J., founder of TheFarm in Boulder), David Tuck , and Amber Cangilose… we will never forget… watch over us. I ask for prayers of good health to all fighting for their lives: Pat Henriksen(our Founder’s Father), Sarah DeVito , and Hallie Wastell. All are battling different forms of cancer and are not out of the woods yet… stay strong Warriors, love and light!
Equillibrium would like to thank all of YOU who listen, put your actions before words, and have intention to leave this world a better place than found for Generations to come. The bio-accumaltive effects of conscious choices can get synergies back to where they need to be with our World and each other.
We are happy to say we are continually doing our part towards sustainability. Equillibrium is gaining momentum as a both a Brand and an Educator of sustainability. What is good for the Environment is good for the Consumer.
With that said, starting in 2016, Equillibrium will be donating 5% of our profits towards causes that most benefit People and Planet. We only work with reputable non-profits (such as Earth Justice, The NRDC, Oceana, and The Stronghold Society). Working the laws to create effective change and advocating for education to drive alterations in human behavior will bring the greatest permanent results. Therefore, that is where we will seed donations most.
One thing we know is that there is no time like the present to give. Life is short, and precious… we live to defend it.
You are what you wear. So, get Equillibrium into your wardrobe and be a part of the solution through sustainable fashion!! Equillibrium is brand who is responsible, transparent, and gives with every purchase in more ways than one!
Peace on Earth! Good will to ALL!